⚔ Raid Arena ⚔ is a Competition Market for Solana Communities.
A novel concept combining predictions with social collaboration. Whale Games, but for retail
degens. Our Competition Market is a toy for token communities allowing them to gamify their
Raid Arena is a place where even a shrimp can play whale games. Get ready to unleash your
content's potential, play to win and collaborate with your fellow degens!
Are you ready?
Fight for honor
Choose Your Champion
Select your community's token from our curated tiers and place your bid.
24- Hour Battles
Tokens compete in 24 - hour battles. The one with the highest price action wins.
Claim Rewards
Winners receive their share of the prize pool from the competing tokens.
The bibliotheca
Community Origin Stories
The minds of the arena
The DeFiooor
A Roman patrician of crypto since 2013, fully devoted since 2020, his market wisdom
guides us like a seasoned senator.
The Developer
Like Daedalus, a master of blockchain, he is the craftsman of smart contracts,
akin to building Rome's eternal structures.
The Memer
A scholar of memecoins, akin to a Muse, she was Rome's marketing herald, now our
oracle of market trends.
Make your meme
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select a face
Upload your image
add some text (optional)
*Download option inoperable when entering from Telegram link. Use browser.